I read another blog and became extremely inspired to switch it up a bit. I don't blog as much as most other bloggers because typically the things that I'm always thinking about come at times when I'm not on the computer. I, unlike a great deal of bloggers, am not sitting in front of a computer for the better half of my day.
However, I always have a lot to say[just ask my lady]. At the same time, I don't find the need to rush to the computer every time a thought pops up in my head. However, this blog that I was reading was a blog talking about their life. The struggles, mostly, and some triumphs. I've been a long time fan of Oprah, as many people are, and she also has always spoken of writing being cathartic and healing, while always challenging her viewers to keep diaries.
While I have kept diaries off and on throughout my entire life, I have had the writing of a book placed on my heart for a while now. Everyone has their own story, you know, and everyone should tell their story, when they feel it is the right time for them to do so. Well...now is the time for mine.
I have decided to turn my blog into a storytelling one...one that is compelling and genuine, and one that I will hope can help me past a point in my life I've been at for far too long now. People are still more than welcome to comment, as I most certainly welcome it. I will create another blog in a while that will just be for my thoughts and ideas of current events, social topics, etc.
I invite any who dare, do come with me on my journey; perhaps this will propel you into beginning, continuing, or completing your own.
9 years ago