There was happiness...innocence...sweetness. You know how as you're growing up, everyone around you is telling you, "Don't be in such a rush to grow up! When you're grown you're gonna wish u were a child again!" Well, I wish that was the case for me. I keep waiting for the day when I'll wake up and say to myself, "Damn, I really wish I could go back to middle or high school." That day hasn't come, and I don't think it ever will...
But let's go back to the beginning...
When I was a small child, life was great! I was surrounded by strong willed, strong minded, intelligent women who cared more for me than they did mother, my aunt, and my grandmother. Had the three of them not been who they were early on in my life, I probably wouldn't be all of who I am today. Life isn't easy, noone said it's supposed to be...but should you stop enjoying it before you even get to kindergarten?
Now don't get it twisted, I am the last person to COMPLAIN about the past, but I 4 damn sure am the first person to never forget it. If you forget your past, you forget yourself. Forgetting isn't healing...forgetting is hardly ever permanent...
In the beginning...
9 years ago